Thursday, 26 November 2009

What's in a Name?

There are plenty of talking points about having a baby but one of the hottest debating point has been around naming of the poor blighter.

My wife has already concluded the entries for girls' names and the voting has occurred. I can't actually remember being too much a part of that voting but I have to say that the names chosen are lovely. I had some late entrants which may make a repercharge but we will have to broach that later.

It has been boy names which have become the controversial area. In fact, every name I have suggested has been rejected. It hasn't helped matters that I have been joshing on the subject and making daft suggestions. But even when I get to a sensible name, I have been rebuffed robustly. To date only one name has stood the scrutiny test and that is a family name which comes from my wife's side. I have been anti that name to date even though it is not a bad name but more because my ideas have been brushed aside.

I dare say we shall get there and progress will be made when I stop suggesting ancient Welsh names like Cledwyn and Idris, although I happen to think my suggestion of Gareth was worth at least some consideration. I have even tried the entire Welsh front row but Gethin was kicked out early while 'Hair Bear Bunch' isn't a proper name.

My suggestion to would-be fathers is to buy a book of names and go through it line by line. We did much the same on the web for our dogs. While it was a good repository of potential names it actually drove us toward two names not in the book which we love and so do the dogs.

How do I know the dogs like their names? Because they wag their tails every time we mention them, silly.

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